Why is data protection Important?

Nowadays, The digital technology has been around everyone’s life. In fact, we can say, It has been a part of our lives. Every damn thing has a record of information and it is never the small one, the records are on a large scale. This digitization plays an important role in the world. No place is without records of information or digitization. But as we say everything comes with consequences. The digitization has the same thing with it - Consequences. In digitization, the cyberattacks and hackers are like the Black Hole. Again with the cyber attacks, the records of an organization are also increasing in order of the information of clients and customers. The organization must be sure of the information kept by them about the clients and their customers. They must ensure the data security and privacy are their priorities to protect against costly breaches. The origin of the data breaches: The truth is that many of the data breaches can be avo...